Do I have RED-S? Take our RED-S quiz

courage to nourishWe are so glad you are taking the first steps to getting help to improve your relationship with food. It can definitely be scary, with a lot of unknowns. The team at Courage to Nourish is here to help. Below are some questions that may feel overwhelming to answer but can help you identify what you are struggling with, and what kind of support you need. Take your time to answer each question. If you need to take a break throughout the questions for a breather, and to regroup, feel free to do so. It is important to be patient and gentle with yourself along the way. We can help you determine what kind of support you may need to help you in your journey of healing.

Please note - this RED-S quiz is not to be used for diagnostic purposes

Are you an athlete or active individual who is feeling fatigued and sluggish?

Do you find your sports-related performance is not what it used to be?

Do you have irregular or absent periods (if applicable)?

Have you recently gotten an injury or repeated injuries that do not heal properly?

Do you restrict the amount of foods you eat in an effort to maintain a certain body size or body composition?

Does your body have trouble regulating temperature, leaving you oftentimes feeling cold?

Do you find yourself getting sick more often than usual?

Do you struggle focusing throughout your day?

Do you experience irritability, anxiety or depression?

Do you find yourself overtraining at times, or doing more than what you have been recommended to do?

Do you experience anxiety around how much and what foods you eat?

Thank you for visiting Courage to Nourish and taking our quiz! Your results will be 100% private.

Interested in finding out more?

Tell us more about how we can help you.

Let us know if you prefer to be seen at one of our locations or virtually!

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Body Image Workbook


The Body Image Workbook