Body Image Dietitians and Nutritionists

Body Image Concerns
Body Image Nutritionists

Body Image concerns affect people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, races and other backgrounds. We live in a culture where body image ideals are constantly put upon us – it’s impossible to avoid. Not to mention the fatphobia that negatively affects those in larger bodies.

If you’re interested in learning more about weight stigma in our society, read our blog. Not surprisingly, body image and food behaviors are connected. Because we are told by society that *looking* a certain way will lead to happiness and higher self-esteem, in many cases, individuals adapt their food intake to attempt to change their bodies. This often leads to further body hatred, shame and guilt. Courage to Nourish supports clients to gain trust and appreciation for their bodies in a society that makes it extremely challenging to do so.

What are Body Image Concerns?

Body image concerns are fairly common, although not required, with an eating disorder diagnosis. Also, a person does not *need* an eating disorder diagnosis in order to struggle with body image. We all have a different relationship with our body and how we perceive our body. Body image struggles present in different ways for different people. Body image concerns can stem from a variety of things, including past trauma, bullying, chronic dieting, and even simply living in today’s weight centric society. In addition to it’s impact on food, negative body image often impacts one’s relationship with exercise and movement. We can help support you in feeling more at peace in your body, and with your relationship with exercise as a whole.

How We Help Treat Body Image Concerns

Society wants us to believe that by changing our bodies and our appearance, our self esteem and confidence will remarkably improve. . Another factor at play is how much easier those in smaller bodies often have it. Those in larger bodies are faced with airline seats being too small, less access to fashionable clothes, difficulty with seating when eating out at a restaurant and body shaming at the doctors office. The thin ideal in society doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. What we can address with clients though is how to build a better body image and help continue to point out the flaws and oppression at work in our society . With clients, we discuss the intricacies of body positivity and what that means. It’s difficult to go from body hatred to body love quickly. Instead, we work with clients to increase respect for their bodies as a starting point. We even have a body image workbook free to download! With clients and help from their therapists, we spend time discussing their relationships with their bodies and how it has impacted food and exercise in the past and how we can work to heal this relationship moving forward.

Typical Clients We Work With




Courage to Nourish specializes in working with families who struggle with body image concerns. If your family life has been disrupted by an eating disorder, contact us to learn more about how our highly trained dietitians can support your family in healing from body image concerns.

College Aged and Young Adults

College Aged and Young Adult

COLLEGE AGED AND YOUNG ADULT Courage to Nourish specializes in working with college students who struggle with body image concerns. Learn more about our services and how our dietitians can work to support you and your relationship with food. Contact us for more information about how we work with college students who have body image concerns.
Teens and Adolescents

Teens & Adolescents


Courage to Nourish specializes in working with teens who struggle with body image concerns. Learn more about our services and how our dietitians can work to support your teen and their relationship with food. Contact us for more information about how we work with teens who have body image concerns.

Pregnant Individuals

Pregnant Individuals


Courage to Nourish specializes in supporting pregnant and postpartum individuals who struggle with body image concerns. Learn more about our services and how our dietitians can work to support you and your relationship with food. Contact us for more information about how we work with pregnancy and body image concerns.




Courage to Nourish specializes in working with athletes who struggle with body image concerns. Learn more about our services and how our dietitians can work to support you and your relationship with food. Contact us for more information about how we work with athletes who have body image concerns.




Courage to Nourish specializes in working with individuals who struggle with body image concerns of all ages. We work with kids with body image concerns, adolescents with body image concerns, young adults with body image concerns, and adults with body image concerns. Our dietitians are highly specialized in eating disorder treatment – learn more about our services and how we can work to support you and your relationship with food.

FAQs About Body Image Concerns

How do I know if I have body image struggles that requires more support?

If you find that you are struggling with your relationship with food, body or exercise in ANY capacity, please note that you absolutely deserve space and time to heal, regardless of the symptoms you’re experiencing. If you suspect you or a loved one are struggling with body image concerns, please take our quiz.

How long does it take to improve my relationship with my body?

Treating body image struggles takes time! Most of the clients we see are “long term” clients who we work with on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. It is difficult to set a time frame, but it’s not uncommon for clients to meet with us on a weekly basis for at least 6 months. If you feel like your healing journey is taking “too long,” just remember that recovery is not linear. It’s normal to have ups and downs.

Will I need to follow a meal plan?

That is up to you! While we can support you in creating a meal plan that meets your needs, we also recognize that meal plans aren’t helpful tools for everyone. We would never want you to feel like you are on a diet or enabling your eating disorder.

How can I help a loved one who struggles with their relationship with their body?

As loved ones, we often want to “fix it.” But, this takes time and there’s not much we can do other than offering a listening ear and a non-judgemental space. You can offer encouragement and support and remind your loved one you love them no matter what. Read our blog on Supporting a Loved One with an Eating Disorder. Also, visit our resources page and sign up for our newsletter to get more tips on how to support your loved one.

How can I find support for body image concerns?

Courage to Nourish is happy to help. Contact us for more information about working with us. We provide both virtual and in person services. If for some reason we are unable to support you, we would be glad to refer you to other resources. You can also read our blog and resources page for more ideas and support on eating disorder recovery.

Have more questions?

About Courage to Nourish

Courage to Nourish is a group of eating disorder specialized dietitians. We have in person locations in Alexandria, Virginia, Columbia, Maryland, and College Park, Maryland. We offer virtual services across the state of Maryland. Virginia, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, and Colorado. We offer individual nutrition therapy. As well as support groups. We would love to guide you in building a better relationship with food.

Courage to Nourish team

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12 + 7 =

Body Image Workbook


The Body Image Workbook