Intuitive Eating Nutrition Services

intuitive eating counseling

Courage to Nourish has experienced intuitive eating aligned dietitians who provide intuitive eating and weight inclusive nutrition counseling.

Thank you for visiting this page. It is extremely brave to begin your intuitive eating journey. We are a team of experienced, compassionate and trusting registered dietitian nutritionists who have all dedicated our careers to helping those explore intuitive eating and improve relationships with food. 

We’d love to work with you along your intuitive eating journey. And to offer a non-judgmental and safe space to discuss food and body image concerns

You may have thought of seeing a dietitian for a while now, but are worried about finding the right “fit.” Maybe you’re worried about the dietitian imposing food rules, restricting you or asking you to count calories.. At Courage to Nourish, our goal is to support you in finding food freedom and flexibility. 

Intuitive eating is right for you if you

  • Have been dieting for years and are exhausted from the diet “rollercoaster”
  • Are looking to improve your relationship with food and body
  • Would like to manage nutrition concerns through a weight inclusive framework
  • Want to let go of food rules and restrictions
  • Want to incorporate more flexibility into your eating and/or exercise routine
  • Are hoping to feel better in your body and improve body image

What you can expect from working with us is

  • Consistent one-on-one appointments that act as a safe space to discuss nutrition, exercise and body image
  • Email and text support in between sessions
  • A small caseload for individualized, quality care
  • Personalized meal planning guidance and support
  • Goals setting specific to your journey
  • Restaurant outings
  • Grocery store outings 

We approach each of our clients with the understanding that this is your journey. It’s our goal to work alongside you to help guide you in reconnecting with your bodies’ innate wisdom of hunger, fullness, cravings and movement. We aim to create a trusting relationship where you will feel comfortable to take a leap to challenge beliefs and rules rooted in diet culture that are no longer serving you.

Head to our homepage to see more of what our clients are saying.  

What is an Intuitive Eating Dietitian?

As intuitive eating dietitians, we help support you in getting back in touch with the innate wisdom that your own body holds.  This means letting go of external diets, and food and exercise rules, and slowly relearning what your food and movement needs are.  As intuitive eating dietitians, we are never going to tell you what you can or cannot eat.  We are here to accompany you on a journey of self discovery to a more positive, meaningful relationship with food. 

How can Intuitive Eating help?

Embracing the process of intuitive eating can help you finally let go of the cage that diet culture puts around you.  Diet culture is a system of beliefs that idolizes thinness and equates thinness to health and morality. It puts certain foods on a pedestal and it demonizes other foods.  Embracing intuitive eating can get you off of the endless rollercoaster of dieting, and finally help you make peace with food once and for all.

What does the process of Intuitive Eating look like?

Intuitive Eating is a framework that challenges diet culture by refocusing on health. It teaches us to connect with our bodies and feed them without judgment.  There are 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating.   Some of the core principles include rejecting the diet mentality, honoring your hunger and fullness, making peace with food, and respecting your body.  We will work through these 10 principles with you at your own pace and in whatever order you feel most comfortable with.  Learning to trust yourself and your body through this process can be overwhelming and scary.  We are here to help every step of the way and recognize that there will be many hurdles and challenges to conquer together.


Interested in finding out more?

Tell us more about how we can help you.

Let us know if you prefer to be seen at one of our locations or virtually!

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Body Image Workbook


The Body Image Workbook