Ahh the holidays, the most wonderful time of the year, right?! The holidays are an exciting time, but if you are struggling with an eating disorder you might be feeling overwhelmed and anxious. There are usually a lot of social gatherings with food involved, if this is something you are stressed about here are a few tips to help you navigate the holiday season with an eating disorder. 

1. Have a partner in crime.

Whether it’s a parent, sibling, cousin, or really whoever you feel comfortable with – have someone to check in with if needed. Eating disorders thrive in secrecy and if you start to feel overwhelmed at a gathering it’s helpful to have someone you trust that you can turn to. You could even speak with them in advance about what might be helpful for you in that moment. 

2. Set healthy boundaries.

Let’s admit it… we all have that one family member that just can’t help themselves and will inevitably make a comment about food *sigh*. Discuss with your treatment team how you want to respond to these types of comments. Feel empowered to ask someone to keep their comments to themselves, or at least make sure you are checking in with yourself to protect your peace and walk away from these conversations. 

3. Prepare in advance

There are lots of holiday parties and dinners this time of year. All of these events with food being a big focus might cause stress and anxiety. Speak with your treatment team in advance about how you want to navigate these settings. Your team can help you come up with a plan to help you feel comfortable based on your own recovery journey. 

4. Continue to have all your meals as you normally would.

That sneaky eating disorder voice might be trying to convince you to “save up” for a meal at the holiday party later in the evening… but it’s so so important to have your meals consistently throughout the day as you normally would. Nourishing your body throughout the day will help you be more present with others and will give you the energy you need to actually enjoy holiday gatherings. 

5. Remind yourself of what it means to be a “normal” eater

It’s very normal to eat past fullness at times. In fact, intuitive eating is not just “eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full.” It’s normal to want some more delicious food even if you already feel full! If this feels distressing to you, check in with your coping skills – how can you sit with this fullness? Try to offer yourself some healthy distractions such as playing a game with your friends or family members. 

6. Take some time for self care

The holidays are such a busy time of year you might find yourself with plans every weekend! Make sure to carve out some time just for you. Plan a day (or just a couple of hours) to relax and unwind. Watch your favorite Christmas movies, decorate the tree, or curl up with a good book – whatever you prefer. This time will refill your cup so that you feel rejuvenated and ready to enjoy festivities with others. 

7. Try to keep in mind the reason for the season

It’s hard not to get swept up in the holidays and feel overwhelmed. Presents, parties, holiday food – it can feel like a lot. Try to keep in mind the reason for the gatherings is truly to spend time with the people you love. 

8. Have compassion for yourself

If you are currently in eating disorder recovery you might have some disordered thoughts come up around the holidays. Instead of being frustrated or hard on yourself, offer yourself compassion. Bring these thoughts to your therapist or dietitian to discuss. Your team is here to support you and are in your corner cheering you on! 

Final Thoughts on Navigating the Holiday Season With An Eating Disorder

These are just a few tips to help you navigate the holiday season with an eating disorder. As always, we recommend checking in with your treatment team to come up with a plan to support your unique and individual needs. 

Need Support?

Courage to Nourish is a group of eating disorder specialized dietitians. We have in person locations in Alexandria, VirginiaColumbia, Maryland and College Park, Maryland. We offer virtual services across the state of VirginiaWashington DCPennsylvania, and Colorado and Georgia. We offer individual nutrition therapy. As well as support groups

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Body Image Workbook


The Body Image Workbook

Leslie Bobo Kiesel

Leslie Bobo-Kiesel, RD, LD

Leslie is a weight-inclusive, anti-diet eating disorder dietitian who specializes in working with adolescents, families, and college students who struggle with all eating disorder diagnoses. Additionally, she enjoys working with those who are curious about intuitive eating and looking to have an overall better relationship with food. Learn more about Leslie here.